Spoke with Linda. She said the business always gets them in and they fix what needs to be done. They do not try to sell them things they do not need.


I had a flat tire and the guys at Kerners fixed it in no time and got me back on the road.


Kernels has serviced my cars several times over the pars 3 years. They never try to upsell or suggest unnecessary work. Each repair was successful the first time. Pricing is very competitive.


Have always found them dependable and honest regarding the need repairs. I have never been told you "should" it has always been here is what I have found that and how would you like to proceed.


First time customer. All work was completed as promised in a timely manner. Employees were professional and friendly. I will definitely use Kerners for all of my future car repairs.


Tom said everything was fine regarding the service and the price.


Philip said this business took very good care of everything.


Spoke with Kelsey. She said the people at this business were awesome and they did an outstanding job.


Once again, quality service at a competitive price.


Kerners does a great job diagnosiing, and repairing my cars, in a timely manner, at a competitive price.