In the past, I've had bad experiences with garages seeing me (a female) and get dollar signs in their eyes and start to pull the wool over. It's insulting and stupid - when I push back or ask questions, they get mad and disrespectful and try to pat me on my head and tell me to pay up and shut up. In more than 10 years since I've been bringing my vehicles there, I have never once been treated even remotely like this at Kerner's. As long as they continue to be honest, deliver quality, and treat me with respect, I'll keep coming back (I'm not making any plans to go anywhere else!). I've got 170,000+ miles on my Pontiac thanks to K's and I fully expect to get no less than 300,000 out of it (truly, though, I'm shooting for 500,000). Kerner's has gotten me this far, and they will get me the rest of the way as well.